Sunday, August 14, 2011

Jake is One!!!

This last year totally feels like a time warp. I can't believe it's been a year since my little Jake was born!!! But at the same time, I can't even remember life without him. How strange that must have been! He is such a sweetheart and a huge part of our lives. He is truly a fun little guy and has a very wild, adventurous streak! He is full of life and loves to be the center of attention. He is into EVERYTHING. When he is awake and prowling around, the whole family has to be on high alert. Any chance he gets he goes STRAIGHT to the toilet, which is just awesome. He has finally learned to go up AND down stairs. He has taken a few steps already and I know once he figures he can run, he will start walking. He is just too fast of a crawler to make the transition! What a nut, but I wouldn't trade him. Here are a few pictures from his party. It was so fun. I love seeing his little personality develop and blend into our family. Love you, Jakey!

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