One topic that came up last night was in regards to a little event that happened on Thanksgiving in The Year 2000. First, I would just like to say that I don't think anyone is really responsible for things that happened in The Year 2000. Were we not all under the impression that the world was going to end on New Year's Eve (1999), and then when it didn't, did we not feel obligated to live life to the fullest that year because the end would surely come on the last day of Y2K? It was with this in mind that some people I know, who might have included someone you know and two female relatives, but of course I won't reveal any identities, decided to run nude around the local high school track. A Turkey Trot, if you will. Exercise, freedom, and good company. What more could you ask for on what could possibly be your last Thanksgiving on this earth? Is there a better form of giving thanks? I'm sure you don't think so, and neither do I. So I would like to offer a few tips to those who are considering such an adventure.
First of all, and this comes from a reliable source, don't be too prepared. If you think you are being wise and wearing only the essential items to the field (read: no encumbering underclothing to remove, only the barest of essentials, like a jacket and sweats that are easily slipped off over shoes), you may find yourself alone and bare at the starting line, while your compadres are taking their time tying their shoes and "changing" their clothes. It milder climates, this might not be a problem, but come on people, it's November, let's get the show on the road.
Number two is, if you happen to find yourself on the inside lane of the track, pace yourself accordingly. Yes, it is exhilarating to run free, but slightly embarrassing if you turn to your neighbor only to realize that she is several feet behind you and probably having a hard time keeping the eyes-above-the-shoulder rule you all agreed to in the car on the way there. Make an effort to stay hip-to-hip with your partners. There will be a lot less laughing and goofing off that way, and it will be easier to focus on the task at hand.
The last tip I, I mean these people, have for you, is just to be free. Be yourself. Although only in shoes and a sombrero, cowboy hat, or long flowing black wig, you are still who you are and that is nothing to be ashamed of.