I LOVE summer in Burley. It is the most beautiful, peaceful place on earth. Other times of the year, maybe not so much. But summer time is amazing. Plus, it's just home, and sometimes I just need to be home. So I was excited that my mom wanted to have our Price family reunion over the 4th of July weekend in Burley this year. We pulled the trailer up so the kids could have at least one more "camping" experience this year. We're hoping for a few more, but as this baby approaches I'm getting less excited about sleeping anywhere except my very own bed with my very own 40 pillows propping me up on all sides and the ceiling fan running. However, the kids... the kids. They need some memories. So I packed my bottle of Tylenol PM and away we went, and it was fabulous.

My parents' home is the perfect place for kids. There are trees and sheds and tons of grass to run around on, plus there is a huge grassy hill with a hole on one side that we fill with water in the summer... it is endless entertainment. And the sky is so big there. It really is bigger than other places. I don't know how or why, that's just how it is.
The weather was surprisingly not very warm this year, but that didn't stop the kids from soaking up the sun every chance they got. Dallin and Katelyn spent a lot of time floating around the little pond and identifying the insects that floated around beside them.
Abby wasn't quite so sure about the cold, but she still had fun.
She loved hanging out with her Uncle Aaron at the top of the hill, watching all the action.
She looked so cute wearing her matching dress with Josie and Halli to church on Sunday.
I found these two little nuts out in the beet field behind my parents' house one afternoon, just chowing on beet leaves. Apparently the little neighbor girl told them that it was cabbage and they needed to eat it. So Luke and Josie obediently went out to the field and started munching. Can you imagine the bribes I would have to give to my kids to get them to eat cabbage OR beet greens? Raw? Yet, if the local little farmer girl says it, they do it. Maybe I should hire her to spend a week with me, brainwashing my kids to eat healthy food. You can't really tell from the picture, but Luke's mouth was lined in green. Hopefully he got a good dose of Vitamin A or B or C or something, along with the pesticide/fertilizer/whatever they spray on the beets that is sure to be toxic to some degree.
We had a fun little marshmallow roast before we headed to town to watch the fireworks on the 4th.
Luke was SO excited to see his Uncle Steve who came all the way from Kansas. We just wish Kristen could have come, too!!!
*sniff sniff*
There is nothing like a Burley sunset. Or a golf cart ride with Jason. Hold on, kids!! I think he only lost a few kids... a few times...
On Monday we all headed out to Steadman's in Raft River. They have some giant waterslides, a zip line, BBQ areas, and tons of room for the kids to run around. It was a huge hit with the little kids and the big kids. We are planning to make it a tradition!
The little kids were soooo impressed with the big kids on the zip line. I can't wait to try it next year!
I think the record was 14 people on one tube going down the water slide. Jason and Dallin are in there somewhere. They might have been a little bit squished.
I thought all the little kids were so cute running around in their white reunion shirts. The shirts weren't so white by the end of the day, but that's just proof of a good time, right?
And then of course the whole group. It was such a fun weekend. It will be a while until we are all together again, so times like this mean so much. Totally worth the Tylenol PM involved. I love my family!