Friday, September 5, 2008

Glitter Toe Party!!!

That's right, I'm having a glitter toe party, or rather "Open House", on Thursday, Sept. 11 and you are invited! My good friend Sandra and her daughter Jessica will be at my house from 6:30-8:30 to make your toes beautiful. If you haven't heard of glitter toes, they are basically gel nails with glitter sprinkled in. They sparkle, they shine. They are the lastest and greatest around here, and I must say I love them. I first got them on July 13, and I barely took them off last week, only because they were growing out after almost two months. Now I'm ready for a new set, just in time for the par-tay. They last forever and look great. Salons charge around $30, but Sandra's price is only $18 and she does the exact same thing, same quality, probably cuter colors (right Sandra?). Plus, you get the benefit of hanging out, spending some quality girl time, talking about Breaking Dawn because I haven't discussed it with anyone yet, and you can even bring your kids. Oh yeah, and I will have a few *treats and eats* for your enjoyment. What the heck, just come over, you don't even need to get your toes done!! Just show up and be yourself and that is all I can ask for. Any questions, or if you need directions, just email me at If you are wondering if YOU are really invited, the answer is YES. Just look in the mirror and say, "Yes, I am invited, and I am going." Kay, see you there. Love!


Heidi P said...

Sound like fun!! I love glitter toes. Maya and I had ruby slipper red in July. Very fun.
BTW- I just posted how to bbq that yummy steak :)

Stephanie F. said...

I've been dying to find someone that does GT parties! I'm going to try really hard to be there ;)

Christie said...

Dang it! I have to work :( and I totally want to come. Sorry I'll miss it!

Tami said...

That sounds so fun. I've never heard of those. I would love to have glitter toes especially when I'm too big, fat pregnant to bend over anymore. Wish I lived closer...

Shelly said...

I have been wanting to get my toes done like that but haven't had two seconds. I have a softball game that night but I soooo wish I could come. Too bad you don't live next door and I could just hurry over. Have fun though and if you host one again please let me know.

Joanne said...

Sounds fun! I would love to go. I just got one done last week.

Amanda said...

Man, I really wish I lived closer to you! I would love to come, but I'll be dreaming about it here in Idaho!

janae said...

You are so cute! I'd love to get these, but I have to go to a dinner for my husband's work that night :(. Have fun though!

Oceanchild said...

Ahh glitter toes....

Sounds like fun, but you are always doing fun stuff at your house!

carrie said...

I love glitter toes, too!! I am going to try my best to come over.... We have a crazy night, but maybe I could sneak over while my boys are at football. Everyone is right... You're always doing fun things at your house!! I've missed seeing you, so it'll be fun!!

Heidi J. said...

I would love to come I just need to talk to alan first.

Cutie Pies said...

Oh, how fun!! And I haven't seen you is so long. But, we are going to St. George to celebrate my little guys Birthday. I can't believe they are already 3. Wish I could come! sorry!

Sarah Stokes said...

Wow, did you just invite everyone?!! Brave women... Sounds like it will be a total blast. I have not yet discussed the book either, a couple of my friends are still not done reading it yet, I have no idea what the hold up is I read it in like a weekend...:)

Anonymous said...

Oh no, I can't come tonight :( but it sounds like SO much fun! You are SO dang cute and always doing the funnest things! And I still really want to talk about the book with ya too....

Tara said...

DANG IT-I'm stuck here at work and want to be there instead. Have another one and I will be there!

Cami said...

I would have come had I not had to work at the temple yesterday! I hope you had a good showing. I LOVE glitter toes and they last forever. They are so much fun. What is better than cute toes?

Joanne said...

I bet you were counting the days! Yes, 11 loooooong days!
But hey, great job on that too!

The McCluskeys said...

Ooooh...I wish I had read your blog sooner!

Gel-Nails said...

Interesting content.

Just wanted to share some information that may help busy professionals caught up with work and who have less time to maintain their nails. You can try out gel nails which are now becoming a hot favorite as they are natural looking even without nail tips and the best way for nail enhancement. Also, if you are allergic to those strong smelling chemicals which you can experience with acrylic nails, then you should use gel nails as these are odorless.

However, when you are planning on gel nail application, make sure you approach a nail salon or a nail artist who is well versed with gel nails and is properly trained and mastered in gel applications. This will save you from problems that can arise with improper gel nail applications.