I turned 35 a few weeks ago. To be honest, I have dreaded this birthday for 35 years. But now that it has come and gone, I have to wonder, what was I so worried about? 35 is great! I feel like a spring chicken. Young, full of life and possibility... not nearly as geriatric as I had imagined. So I've decided not to hide my age. Who really cares if younger people think I'm old? They are always going to be younger than me, just sitting in the background, getting older themselves at the same time they are judging me for being old. There are just as many people who are older and recognize my youth and vitality for what it is (almost gone, but not quite). I've still got a few good years left in me. I'll take what I can get.
I had a great birthday, minus the fact that our trampoline blew away at 8 am on my birthday morn. I just have to count it as a birthday present because now I don't have to move the thing every time I mow the lawn. Truly, I'm sad it's gone, but I listed it for free on
ksl.com and had about 20 phone calls in 30 minutes from people who wanted a free, ruined trampoline. I think that is as popular as I have ever been in my life, so happy birthday to me. I kept taking phone calls long after it was committed to a happy individual because I was having so much fun answering the phone. Okay, so maybe being 35 is a little depressing if that's my idea of a good time these days.
You may remember that my brother Ryan and I are the same age for one day. Every year we pose proudly with a sign that tells our age on my birthday. Now we include our posterity, so here we are with my four and his three. I think they are about as nutty as a group of kids can be. |
All I really wanted for my birthday was a break from cooking dinner for one night, so we went to one of my favorite places, Blue Lemon. |
The traditional family birthday picture. I think we were a little more energetic than the old Blue Lemon was used to. Oh well, we had fun. |
I always tell myself I am going to try something new but I change my mind at the last second and order my favorite, the Pear and Gorgonzola Spinach Salad. When it arrives at the table, I think, wow, this could feed a family of five. I'm definitely taking some home this time. Ten minutes later, as I finish the last bite and scrape the dressing off the plate with my fork, I think, wow, that was good. |
Jason hooked me up with some fabulous presents this year, as always. He took me out to lunch and then to Runner's Corner in Orem and waited patiently for me to get fitted with new running shoes by my new favorite person, Hawk. I knew Hawk would be my new favorite person just by his name, and I was not disappointed. I felt like I got a personal training session along with the perfect pair of shoes. I also got some new running clothes, a few dance games for the Wii, and the immersion blender I have wanted since the beginning of time. Yes! |
Good bye, my fair friend. Next time, we won't take the weights off your legs one week before a large wind storm. We promise. |
I love being able to keep in touch with blogs... Everytime I read your blog I just giggle... Are you going to run the marathon? It looks like you have a ton of great gear... Good 'ole Hawk hookup? Happy Late birthday.... You are great!!
So much to comment on, first Happy Belated Birthday. You make 35 look amazing. I had no idea your tramp bit the dust. Did it bust through your fence? I wonder how we've managed to keep our tramp in one piece. Also, speaking of age, how old is Hawk because he fit me with shoes back in high school like 90 years ago and he was old then! He knows his running gear however. I love that I have to read your blog to know what is going on at the Yates' house. Maybe I should walk across the street and talk to you in person!
You are so cute and amazing! Happy Late Birthday. I am glad you got he night off from cooking. Isn't that what we all want as moms for our birthdays. Although, I wanted the whole day off for mine. You make 35 look great!
Ampy you are hilarious and I can't wait for you to run the marathon!!! I love your new running clothes and shoes! It was so great to see you and thanks for everything! I can't wait for your next blog post, love you!!!
We are definitely friends. I have to move the dang trampoline every time I mow too! I kinda wish ours would blow away early one morning... *sigh*
Thank you for seriously making my first night at SNAP! such a wonderful one. Happy belated birthday!
P.S. I have two years on you, so you can feel good about that. ;)
You are a beautiful 35 year old!!! I love reading your posts. I'm glad you had a good birthday, you deserve it. love ya!
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