Thursday, February 14, 2008

You know you're addicted to blogging when....

your internet goes down for a few days and you go absolutely CRAZY!!!! Seriously, it wasn't even for very long, but I just couldn't stand the thought that people were posting and I wasn't reading or commenting! It was pretty sad. So let me introduce you to my new favorite thing called FEEDS. In Internet Explorer, it is right up by the Favorites button (star) and it downloads the latest posts of all your favorite blogs and saves them for you to read. You can tell who has posted because their name will be in bold. Talk about a time saver! ha ha. So here's how you do it: at the bottom of someone's blog you will see a little link that says "Subscribe to: Posts (atom)". Click on that. It will bring up a page with just the text of the blog. There is a link near the top that says "Subscribe to this feed". Click on that. Now, when you click on your little favorites star, look at the top and where it says Favorites Feeds History and click Feeds. Then the names of all the feeds that you are subscribed to will appear. Any that have been updated that you haven't looked at will be bold. If you click them you will see the text-only version, but you can click the blog name at the top and it will bring up the full monty. Oh my heavens, why did I not discover this sooner? Probably everybody already knows all this, but for me it was a lifesaver because the feeds download and once they are there you don't have to be connected to the internet to read them. Oh, and if you right click on them (in the Feeds list), you can go to properties and set it to update frequently, like every 15 minutes if you're really obsessed. Anyway, you probably already knew all that and it was just a repeat, but if not, feel free to ask any questions and I will help you. Also, if you don't have your comments set to email you when people make a new comment, you really need to get with the program. Just kidding, but it is nice to know when you have a new comment and not have to refresh your page. So, now you know that thing #101 about me is I have anger management issues when my internet isn't working, and #102 is I really am obsessed and need to get a hobby.


Lindsay said...

Wow! I thought I was internet savvy, but this is totally new to me. Thanks for sharing, I am totally going to go set this up! I'm all for saving time. So even if everyone else knew this, just know you helped at least one person.

And I totally agree with you on the emailing thing when you get a new post. I love that, then you can also know if someone has posted on something old, rather than going and looking through them! Thanks again!

Hubba's Thoughts said...

Hey, I am with you on the whole internet thing.. When my computer is down my whole world falls apart.. Pretty sad, I know, but I just have my whole life in my computer.. Oh, and thanks for the blog tips.. I'll have to check them out. Have a great day.

Andrea said...

I knew this but have never taken the time to do it, so thanks for reminding me. Now I will, its sounds like a huge time saver!

Christie said...

Wow - I never knew about the feeds either. Thanks for the info - that will save lots of time on my blogging. Maybe I can even find some new blogs to stalk!

Savage Family said...

I love this I saw this post and I printed it out it was so easy to do! You are the best thank you for sharing your insight!!

janae said...

You are so smart! I want to set this up. It sounds really convient. Now I just have to figure out if I can do it!

Lindsay said...

question - I am assuming you have to "subscribe" to each blog individually, right?

TheOrttFamily said...

Anne Marie..this is Vanessa Carrie's friend anyway from time to time I snoop..yes I admit..hehe..but I am glad I did. I didn't know this and I think it's way cool thanks for sharing..

Jessica said...

Hi there! We have a mutual friend, Carrie Christensen. I actually met you and your adorable little girl at her jewelry party a month or two ago! I was telling Carrie how time consuming it was to go back and forth all the time and check out everyones blogs and she told me to go to your page and read this comment. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. You just saved me like 10 minutes a day, which we know as mothers is GOLDEN!!!