Last night at about 7:00 I was thinking about moments, and how we never get them back. So I grabbed my camera and decided to document what everyone in my family was doing at that moment. Nothing exciting, but it might be fun to look back on in a few years and see how things have changed. I wish I would have done that more when
Dallin was little, or when we were first married because I don't have many pictures from that time period. We didn't have a digital camera then, so I'm sure that is part of it. Anyway, last night at 7 pm, Jason was outside getting ready to spread the playground bark in the kids' new play area where there will someday be a
swing set. Our kids have never had any kind of playground equipment. They have been pretty deprived. I'm excited for them to have something fun to do outside besides throw rocks at the basement windows. I guess the rocks just have the coolest sound when they hit the windows, so you really can't blame them. I'm so excited to get our yard in. Last summer was so hot and the dirt and weeds didn't really improve my mood in my already uncomfortably pregnant state. Grass, I love you. Someday I will have you again. Next Thursday, actually, if everything works out.
Dallin was finishing up his game of Super Mario Galaxy. I really don't like it when he plays video games, and I try to put it off all day, but he usually does end up playing sometime by the end of the day. Bad mom!

Mr. Luke was playing on Daddy's recliner.

Then he got down to dance like "The
dino on the
earf (earth)" I guess that is a character on the video game.

Little Babs was
chillin' in the high chair with her new eye patch. She went to the doctor on Tuesday and he said she has to wear it for 2 hours a day until her surgery next month. They are supposed to call us and schedule the surgery and I wish they would hurry because I hate not knowing. Anyway, this is my little pirate, Abby.

And me? I was doing the dishes, and finishing up Jason's dessert. Does Jell-O count as a dessert? This is a topic of debate at my parents' home. My dad says yes, everyone else says no. I say no, but I serve it as dessert so my kids will eat the rest of their food first. And it's usually as close as we come to an actual dessert anyway. BTW, thank you Julia for your yummy
lemon curry chicken recipe! I tried it last night and it was a hit.

So that is my night in a nutshell. I don't know why people say things are in a nutshell, but it is a habit now so I say it, too. Nutshell. Weird.
And an honorable mention goes to
Dallin for graduating from preschool today. Sniff sniff. I can't believe my little baby is already graduating. Again. He graduated last year, too, so you'd think it wouldn't be so hard for his mother, but I am really really sad that he is done with preschool. It was such a safe time in my life. No real
accountability or responsibility (besides the 3 kids and the house and the calling...). I am so worried about
kindergarten in the fall! How am I going to put him on the bus and wave goodbye? I'm not looking forward to it. Love you, little buddy. Please quit growing up! I already told him if he turns six he is going to be in time out. I think I'm giving him a complex. He says, "But Mom, I don't know how to stop growing!" I say, "Well, figure it out or your going to be in the biggest trouble of your life." I mean it, too. I've had it with this "get big and leave your mom" business.

See what I mean? Way too big! Where's my baby?
Oh, and thank you to everyone for your yummy grilling recipes. Keep them coming if you think of more! I'll keep checking.
That is such a great idea! Pictures are always fun to look back at.
I can't believe that Dallin will start Kindergarten in Fall. So crazy!
That was such a cute post! I hate the idea of not getting moments back, it really sucks! Its so exciting that you will have grass and a swing set, when we got ours the kids thought they were back in heaven :). Our children really do grow to fast, we tell our kids to stop growing up all the time, but they just tell us "NO".
Cute idea for a blog! It is so sad to watch your kids grow up, isn't it. I hope all goes well with Abby. Let's do luch sometime soon!
Ok - it must be my "girl week" or something, but your post totally made me cry. What a cute idea. And you're so right - our lives change so quickly. I tell G all the time to stop growing. Sometimes I think they're so cute and fun right now that I don't ever want them to change. But I think growing up is good too. Think how tiresome it would get to always be taking care of a baby (I remember Tracy Watts saying that to be about Ashlyn). Growing up is good too - but it sure is bittersweet.
This is so cute. I totally forgot about Abby and her surgery! I love her little pirate patch. Does it bother her much? You should color a little pink skull on it.
Glad you liked the chicken. I think I need to make that again tonight.
I can't believe Dallin will be in Kindergarten. I swear he's still in your belly or something (although I'm sure you are glad he isn't).
Glad you guys are getting grass and a playground, although I don't know if it will stop the rocking throwing. Even at the park, Landon just wants to throw things...oh well.
I love this post! I am going to start taking pictures like that - great idea! Little Abby is so cute in her patch. I am still having a hard time realizing that my baby is going to go to preschool this fall. So sad.
Love the "moments" idea. I usually get caught up in "occasions" and forget about the little things that we'll really car about in twenty years. I'm glad Ethan misses the deadline for kidergarten this fall; I don't think I could handle it either-I'm not looking forward to when I have to be a responsible mom and have to worry about school schedules either-bummer!
Abby's little patch is so cute. I hope you find out soon when the surgery is. It would drive me crazy too to not know whats going on. I really hope everything goes ok. Let me know if you need anything.
This was such a cute post. I can't believe Dallin is done with preschool already. It is only April. He looks so grown up in his graduation cap.
And you are not a bad mom for letting your kids play video games. They need to have a little fun sometimes. Right?
What a cute post. When my girls where tiny babies I think all I did was wish for them to be big, and now sometimes all I wish for is for them to be babies again.
What a fun idea to capture the normal moments of life. Your kids are so cute. I know what you mean about Dallin growing up. I hate it too. At least you know where you are sending your baby off too. I have no idea where mine is going to be. I wanted the perfect first day of school for her, and I can already tell it is not even going to come close to what I had planned.
What a great post. I loved reading it. I am thinking I'll try to do one myself this weekend. It really is true that we need to enjoy those little "moments" more huh? I find myself rushing through life and then one day I take a step back and realize that I have a 5 and a half year old who is going to Kindergarten...what??? When did that's always good to take time to smell the roses...sorry this just turned into a novel.
You are so fun Anne Marie! What a cute idea! I loved reading this post! Wow I can't believe your little guy graduated! Where has the time gone?
I want my kids to stay small too! But they are so excited to get bigger and experience the world! Tanner told me yesterday that he is almost a teenager. (He's turning 8) Anyway, he says then he can stay up late...Oh to be young and naive again! Now you are gong to be a Kindergarten Mommy! You go girl! Enjoy every minute because they go so fast! Love ya!
I loved reading this!! I agree with you....these everyday moments are the ones we should cherish, huh?? Luke is TOO cute doing that little dance. He must have been checking you out, doing the DDR Hottest Party, huh?? ;o) Abby looks so cute with that patch. I agree with Julia, you should put a little pink skull on it. She is a beautiful girl....and I just LOVE her face. Dallin looks so grown up I can't stand it. He is a little stud. What a cute kid. Your yard is going to look FABULOUS, too. Ok...there, I think I covered everything!! :o) I love you, and I always love your blog!!
Cute! I can't wait for a yard either! No trees or grass ANYWHERE in my hood... I am so ready for some green. Little Abi looks as happy as can be with her eye patch. What a sweetie. I am with you with Dallin. I am so sad for Will too. THE BUS.. oh man, I am going to be a wreck. We should start a support group.
What a fabulous idea! I think I might have to copy that! And I am SO with you about the growing up thing....I am SO glad they are putting in a new elementary school by us, because I was having issues with the bus thing! I know, I'm a dork, but I really was! And about the video games....umm, I definitely cannot say anything! Aubree discovered Playhouse Disney games on the computer and I kept meaning to get her off, today, but umm....I didn't! But then we played outside for a long time tonight! Does that count? :) BTW, it was great seeing you and that ever-adorable Abby!
P.S. Cute pictures of the kids!
I am told by more and more people whose kids are grown and gone, to treasure these moments now. We all know there are days when bed time just doesn't come fast enough, but they do grow way too fast to let it just pass us by.
Good luck in the days ahead with Abby. (My little Haley has that same blanket!)
What a great idea to capture the moments. You always have good ideas! Dallin looked so grown up at his preschool graduation. I can't believe that he is old enough to be going to kindergarten in the Fall. Keep us informed on darling Abby.
AnneMarie...very fun post, love that idea. I've always wanted to document Laynee's day hour by hour because she is such a busy butt...but I guess I'm just too tired from keeping up with her. I can't believe your cute Dallin is starting Kindergarten, I really think the first is the hardest...I remember crying a year before just because I saw a school bus and it reminded me that he was starting kindergarten. I don't think I will be as emotional when Laynee starts though!!
I love your post! I think it is so much fun to see that everyone has normal days. and I would have to say I feel the same way about Bailie they grow up to fast it seems like yestday was feb 2 huh. well they will get to have their fist day at kinergarten and we can both cry together ok.
I love this post and all the pictures. It's so fun to see what Dallin, Luke, and Abby are up to. Tell Jason that Rod (his BFF) says hi and some other stuff that I won't mention on your blog. :)
your family is so so cute.... its good to see you even if it is on a blog ... your backyard looks great the kids will have a blast....
Anne Marie!!! Hey I found your blog while I was "blog spying" my kids are all asleep and rather than clean the house(like I should) I am on the internet surfing blogs. I am sooo glad I came across yours, you have a darling family! -Sarah (Perkins) Stokes - check it out
I had to laugh at your flashback of you and Ryan at 18, that is how I remember you both!! I hope you don't mind I added you to my blog.
I just wanted to say thanks for all the cute ideas for my blog. I have now stolen your counter and your feedjit ideas. Thanks :) Talk to you soon!
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