It's finally here! A new episode of The Office! Has anyone else been waiting for the last FIVE months, wondering what was happening with Dwight, Andy and Angela, Jim and Pam, Michael and Jan, Toby and nobody, and of course, Creed? Or am I the only one?
Tonight, 8 pm. Here is what to look forward to:
Pam and Jim find they have run out of excuses and are forced to go to Jan and Michael's house for dinner. When Andy and Angela are also invited to dinner, Dwight's jealousy gets the best of him.
I can't wait!!!!! Michael Scott, don't let me down. You never have before.
We love this show! We have been waiting!! Of course after survivor :)
This is the only show my husband and I watch together. I can't wait!!
We are definitely looking forward to it! I am trying to decide whether or not I am going to wait for Ryan to get done with class or if I am going to watch it by myself.
I am so excited I love it!!!!!!
I need to start watching this show... Everyone loves it. Matthew's Dad has every season on DVD, so he said we could borrow them to get caught up. We need to. I hope it's as good as you're hoping!! :o)
My house in on fire......I mean flooding. I will have to use that one sometime.
Yay! It was so good. I loved every second. Especially when Michael had to move the video camera out of the bedroom. haha
I LOVE LOVE this show!!!! Last night was actually not my favorite episode (Aaron and I have gone back and watched the one, a couple times, where they go steal Karen's copier....oh my freakin' funny!!!!), but a not favorite Office night is still better than almost any other night :) Will have to watch that one again....
This is the only show Ben and I watch together too. Last night was so funny too - totally worth the wait.
I loved it too!! We had all of Kyle's office over for The Office. haha. So, is next week a new episode too? There wasn't scenes from next week!
AMEN Sista!!! I was soo happy to finally watch the show! Micheal Scott definately didn't let us down! The whole show was so awkward and uncomfortable!! LOVED IT! There were so many funny one liners this episode. I liked when Jan said that her walls in the bedroom used to be WHITE, but they changed the color to egg shell white... If I were Pam I would have killed Jim for trying to skip out on the party.. Pam's right, you can buy new things, but you can't buy a dinner party!! Have a great weekend!
I thought this was one of the best episodes ever. This line from Angela to Dwight was an absolute classic:
"The thought of putting one of your beets in my mouth disgusts me."
And Jim saying "My apartment's on fire," when Micheal needs a place to stay is pretty hilarious.
We LOVE this show. It's our very favorite right now. We recorded it and watched it the other night. It was so funny.
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