Thursday, July 24, 2008

American Idol Concert

Last week Jason took me to the American Idol concert for our anniversary. It was so fun. We left all THREE kids with my in-laws overnight. Jason tried to surprise me with a night at the Anniversary Inn, but of course I had to ruin the surprise earlier in the day by guessing where we were going. Don't get me wrong, I like to be surprised, I just like to KNOW that I'm going to be surprised, and then I'll stop guessing. He just told me that his parents were taking the kids, and I was like, "Oh! We should go stay somewhere! Like the Anniversary Inn!" So he tried to cover it up and say, "Well, maybe we'll stay somewhere like the Howard Johnson or something," and then after the concert he headed over to 6th South, and I was like, "Why are we going this way? Are we going to the Anniversary Inn?" "No, the hotel I booked is on 6th South and 9th East." "Well, that's the Anniversary Inn." "How do you know?" "Because we stayed there 7 years ago, hello." "Well, who remembers the address, Rainman? It's the Howard Johnson, just be quiet." "There is no Howard Johnson over there, just the Anniversary Inn." So then we pulled into the Anniversary Inn and he was like, "Surprise!" and I felt bad for being difficult. Sometimes I should just shut my mouth. So should several other people we saw that night, like Chickezee for example. I'm not even going to look up the proper spelling of his name, he was that bad. I didn't even take a picture of him. The Idols performed in order, and he was number 10. The first few were just terrible. But, once they got to Brooke White, it was actually worth watching. She wasn't my favorite on the show, but I really liked her performance. I think it takes a lot of talent to sing and play the piano (or guitar) at the same time. Here's a small recap of the concert:

Um, decent.


Not great. Put on a shirt.

Really good.

High, as usual.

She should have been #9, not #3.

David A. sang his little heart out, which I could hear in bits and pieces over the crowd that would not stop screaming the ENTIRE time he was onstage. He was really good, though.

I have to apologize to David Cook for the rude things I have said about him in the past. He was actually a really good performer. David, I'm sorry I said you look like a hot dog with hair. Your rendition of Lionel Richie's "Hello" was really good and I actually enjoyed it. I think we can be friends, but that's all. I still don't find you attractive.


carrie said...

You are so stinking funny. I was laughing OUT LOUD at so many parts of your post. First of all, I'm glad you had a fun getaway for your anniversary!! I think it's awesome that Jason would try to surprise you like that. I can't believe he took you to the AI concert!! I don't think I could have begged Jason to take me....even though he watches the show with me, and probably likes it WAY MORE than I do. ha ha I still remember begging Jason (your Jason) to run in your house and check the results for us before we drove home....before we had tivo. ha ha I remember thinking (your) Jason probably thought we were the biggest dorks. :o) (now he KNOWS we are....) Anyway, I'm glad you had fun. I loved reading your review of the contestants. I would have loved to go....just to see the two Davids. They would be worth it.

Alicia said...

Cool! And why can't you just let your husband surprise you?! I love surprises but have yet to be truly surprised with anything. I always end up finding out even though I don't try to!

Kudos to Jason for trying! (and for teaching Luke and Cooper's nursery class with Will Sunday. Wish I had a hidden camera in there!)

The Spradlin Family said...

You are so funny. I'll bet that would have been fun to go to.

Shelly said...

I am horrible with surprises too. I ruin them for Ryan all the time. It must be a Crane disease or something. I am glad you guys are having such a fun summer.

Christie said...

That is too funny - I'm the worst with suprises too. My husband has rarely been able to suprise me. I guess we're both too smart for that.

And what a fun concert. I would have loved to go. I loved your take on it too. And whoo hoo for finally coming around on the "other David". :)

Stephanie said...

Sounds like such a fun night. You make me laugh so hard.

Sounds like a fun night. I would have loved to go to the concert. I agree with you David C. = Not attractive, but I do love to hear him sing!!

Oceanchild said...

WOw. Jeff would NEVER take me to the AI concert...EVER. Even when we both liked Bo and Carrie.

I appreciate that you can man-up and admit you can be friends with DC...but just not happening here. I just hate him too much and as most people know...i LOVE to hate people. Why else watch American Idol? If only Seacrest could have made a guest appearance.

I'm glad you didn't post about Chikezer or whatever his name is. Remember when we wanted Antone Carr to do all those horrible things (to graphic for a comment) to people we hated...well I think I am started up that list again.

Heidi P said...

Rainman--Still laughing. Loved the review of the night-- Glad you had a night out and one you didn't plan. Thats always fun, even if its not quite a surprise :)

Anonymous said...

your so funny, i shouldn't have read your post because now my stitches are hurting. OOW! i love reading your posts, what a nice, thoughtful husband you have you should have him give some hints to mark, shhh, don't tell i made some suggestions. glad you had a great get away.

Tara said...

I don't think I have laughed so HARD in awhile. I had to run to the bathroom. A HOT DOG WITH HAIR is the best thing I have ever heard. I have said worse things that cannot be repeated in print, since most of the people that read comments are LDS>you will see my dark side if I said what I was thinking. I'll tell you in person sometime. Although I did love when David Cook sang "Beat It".

Teresa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Teresa said...

you're so lucky!! that would be the best anniversary present ever. I'm glad you guys had a good time. i love reading your blog, i laugh so hard every time.

Anonymous said...


Andrea said...

Oh how fun! I love the anniversary inn. I think it would be so much fun to have one of those. What a sweet guy to surprise you like that :). I would of guessed that the two Davids and Brooke would be the only good ones. That season didn't have very good talent.

Hubba's Thoughts said...

I'm so glad you had fun!! I think that if I bought tickets to it Gary would pretend he didn't want to go, but deep down I think he would be excited to go. I don't think he would risk his "rep" and buy the tickets himself for me. That's great you stayed at the Ann. Inn. We used to stay there quite often up in Logan before we had Madi!! So fun! Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Okay, so once again, you are one of my favorite authors of all-time, (move on over Mrs. Stephenie Meyer) and I just laughed at this great post. First off-glad you had fun on your mini-vacation. Those little get-aways are the best! (And we have those same pictures every time by the gorilla too!) And what an AWESOME surprise from Jason! I would have loved to go to the AI concert....But over here it would have been for David Cook! We LOVED him! What fun :) And I can't wait for this weekend....Can you believe it is finally here?! Yeah!!!!

Tiffany said...

I'm so excited to finally have someone elses blog to look at. Yours is so cute. It sounds like the concert was fun even though some were bad.

Joanne said...

How fun!

Debbie said...

I should be in bed but your post was definitely worth the read. Hot Dog hair, you kill me...

Sierra said...

You crack me up