Thursday, July 17, 2008

Update on Abby

So many kind people have been asking how my little Abby is doing. I love knowing that so many people care about her!!! It means the world to me. Abby is doing really well. We took her back to the eye specialist this week and she is going to have another surgery on September 10. Her eyes have improved a lot on the side-to-side alignment, but her left eye still goes UP when it should be staying level with the right eye. The doctor thinks it is because the upper-pulling muscle on the right eye is tight, so when she wants to look up she has to pull really hard with both eyes and it makes her left eye go up into space. Her right eye can't look any higher than straight ahead at this point, so the doctor is hoping that loosening that muscle will help it get aligned with her left eye. This surgery will be a lot easier on her than the first one because she will only have one muscle of one eye worked on, instead of a total of three muscles (one muscle in the right eye and two in the left) like last time. I am excited for her to make more progress. She's still kind of a little squirt and not very interested in moving around. At her nine-month check up a few weeks ago she was 14 lbs. 8 oz. and 25 1/2 inches long, which puts her well BELOW the charts and in the 1 percentile (because you can't have less than 100 kids out of 100 kids, or she would be in the negatives!!). It's so weird to me to have a tiny child. Jason and I are not exactly small people. I always figured that my poor girls would be 6 foot 5, 280 pounders and I just felt sorry for them. But, that's not the way it's looking for Abby! She's so little! I love having a tiny baby, but I am anxious for her to get on the move and start exploring her world. She can sit up and she loves to play with her brothers. She's learning lots of cute tricks, like shaking her head no when you ask her if she's crazy, and putting her head down when you tell her to take a nap. Who needs pets when you have kids, right? Here are the three little weasels that I get to chase around all day. It's exhausting but so much fun. I love these crazy kids and I wouldn't have it any other way!!!


Oceanchild said...

Yay for the update. It sounds like she's doing great. It might be slow progress, but she's still progressing. I'm sure she'll get around and explore in her own time. With those brothers around, she'll have to start moving soon. Can't wait to see her.

alison said...

That is the cutest picture of Abby that I have ever seen. She is such a doll!

Lindsay said...

She is SO cute! I love that top picture of her and I'm so happy things are going well for her.

Shelly said...

I am glad to hear she is doing well. I hope the next surgery goes well also. Your kids are so cute.

carrie said...

I'm so glad beautiful little Abby is doing well!! I loved the pictures of her!! All your kids are just so cute.... I can't believe how much LUKE has grown up since I've seen him last!! I'm so glad things are progressing well. I knew they would. ;o) She is such a tough little cookie.

Heidi P said...

Great to hear she is doing well! She is so cute. She is a little peanut! Luke is 6 months, and doesn't move because he is so fat!? :) We should get these two together.
Your boys' are getting big too!

Alicia said...

Oh, man! That smile on her face is just priceless! (Don't you love it when you click the camera at just the right time?!) Happy to hear she is doing so well. What a trooper!

Jilleen said...

She is so cute and your boys are handsome little guys. And I love how you call your kids names... like weasels. It seems like I remember your dad always calling you guys silly names and I thought it was so funny. Hope all goes well with the next surgery.

WeTheTeeples said...

That pic of Abby is so cute. I am sorry she has to have another surgery, but if it helps her then it is all good.
Let me know if you need anything.
Luke is a cheeser. I love that picture of him.

Stephanie F. said...

Omigosh, I love those pictures! I'm sorry you have to endure another surgery. I'm glad it won't be too hard on her.
I'm SO glad you are back in the blogging world :)

Andrea said...

She is so cute AnnMarie! She was such a little doll the other night. You can tell that when she finally decides that she will get a move on she will....
And your boys are so handsome. I'm so glad I got to see you. You always look so cute!

Heidi J. said...

Im happy things are going good and I love the picutes! your kids are getting so big!

Anonymous said...

Abby is so cute in those pictures. I love her! I can't wait for when you and all the kiddies come out later this year. I think Abby has improved so much too. Thanks so much for the b-day present. I love it!! I'm hoping to finish it this week on my flight to CA. You are the best! Love!!

a-anderson said...

I am glad to hear that Abby is doing so well. She is so arorable. i love the picture of all of your cute kids together.