Thursday, January 24, 2008

PW Potluck

Hello everyone! I have set a date for our upcoming Pioneer Woman Potluck. Thursday, Jan. 31 at 7 pm at my house. I hope that will work for everyone! You are invited and I'm serious. It's just going to be a kick-back, paper plate buffet, if you will, to just hang out and have fun. You don't have to bring food, either, just come and taste, taste, taste! I am going to make the pot roast and Carrie is going to make the mashed potatoes. Just volunteer for whatever food you want to make. Here are a few items you can look at. Desserts are encouraged. ha ha.

Pot Roast - Anne Marie
Delicious Creamy Mashed Potatoes - Carrie
Best Chocolate Sheet Cake Ever - Christie
Holiday Bacon Appetizers - Lindsay
Mini Muffins - Heather
Chili Con Queso - Jenny
Olive Cheese Bread - Andrea
Marlboro Man's Favorite Cookies: Oatmeal Crispies - Janae
Spicy Chicken Wings - Lessley
Pasta Primavera - Ryan T.
Hyacinth's Everything Cookies - Christa
Scrumptious Apple Pie
The Great Cobbler Debate #1 - Julia
The Great Cobbler Debate #2
French Breakfast Puffs
Pico De Gallo and Guacamole
Bread Pudding for Those Who Think They Don't Like Bread Pudding
Twice Baked Potatoes
Cinnamon Rolls 101

Well, that is not even close to how many recipes are on that web site, but man alive, it is late, so I'm going to get my little self to bed before the kiddies start their nighttime awakenings. Nothing is worse than still being up when the baby wakes for a midnight feeding. Feel free to look over the web site and find any other recipe and I will add it. And remember, you don't have to bring anything but your sweet little self! There will still be plenty of food for all. Love!


Christie said...

Ok - I claim the best chocolate sheet cake ever. Since you want desserts, and I"m coming from work.

Lindsay said...

I'm glad you were serious about this. I want to come (if you don't mind) and I'm bringing her Flashback: 1981 - Holiday Bacon Appetizers. YUM!
I'm also bringing loose pants so I can fill up.

Aaron said...

dont leave out the desserts!

Savage Family said...

THAT IS THE LOST SEASON PREMIER!!! AHH! What to do? No Worries I am there!!! I will do the mini muffins k? Unless there is something else you want me to make? Let me know I am excited!!!

janae said...

This will be so much fun! I can't wait to meet/see (again)everyone. Can I bring the Marlboro Man's favorite oatmeal crispies? Dessert is always my favorite part of a meal! I'll need your addy. Can you email it to me? I know your neighborhood, just not your exact house. Thanks so much for putting this together.

Oceanchild said...

Okay, so I haven't look through any of the recipes, but if I find one that I can't screw up, I'll let you know! You have such good ideas. I need to be more social instead of hiding in the dark watching Bret Michael's Rock of Love.

carrie said...

I can't wait!! It'll be so much fun. You really have such fun ideas!! I still can't get over the recipes on her blog....and there are SO many I want to make. I can't wait to try the guacamole stuff. YUM. I think I'm going to make that tomorrow. You're the best....Thank you for thinking of this!! :o)

Andrea said...

I want to do the olive cheese bread!! IT looks sooooo good! I cant wait- :) :) :)

WeTheTeeples said...

Ok. I think I have finally figured out what we will bring. I am going to make the pw rolls and Ryan is going to make the penne a la betsy,(minus the shrimp).
I convinced Ryan to come and grab a plate, and then he will leave.(if that is still ok). I think he is more excited than I am. He loves good food. And who can pass up a taster's table? If I missed something and someone is already bringing one of those things let me know and we will change.
Can't wait to see everyone. :)

Christie said...

I just made the cake - it is taking all my will power not to eat some. Would it be tacky to bring a 1/2 eaten cake tomorrow?

Christa said...

I think I will try to make the Hyacinth's Everything Cookies.

Mary said...

Hello! Hey thanks for the invitation. I would really like to be there, but I've made promises to our kids. I really can't disappoint. Anyway, I hope to hear some great reviews on the recipes. I've made the chocolate cake already and it's deli-ci-ous!

Stephanie F. said...

K I'm going to be lame and come without a food contributions (might bring my sis too!)

janae said...

Anne Marie, Thank you so much for letting us come to your beautiful home for the PW potluck. It was so much fun seeing everyone. That was such a great idea and the food was delicious! Thanks again!