Over the weekend we took a fun little vaycay to Wyoming. Okay, that is a lie - it was longer than a weekend, it wasn't fun, and it wasn't a vacation. We did, however, go to Wyoming. I think it is significant that the first part of the word "Wyoming" is "why". It must have something to do with the following questions: Why would anyone go there? Why would anyone live there? Why does it even exist? I can't tell you. All I can tell you is that I am glad to be home, and not there anymore. To be fair, I guess I should say that some parts of Wyoming are nice, like Jackson and, well, pretty much only Jackson. On the other end of the spectrum you have Rawlins, which is where we were camped for five days in a fine gravel parking lot, I mean KOA, whilst Jason hunted for deer and antelope. I have to tell you that I was against this trip from the beginning. For the past eight or nine months, Jason has said, "And then in the fall, we'll spend a week in Rawlins camping as a family!" To which I would reply, "Yeah, that will be great, let's just talk about it later," all the while planning to tell him the night before that I had no intention of going. That is my tactic for avoiding contention: put it off till the last minute, duke it out, end up going anyway, but at least he knows I'm not happy about it. I don't know why I'm still using this tactic, because in seven years it has never worked, but it's pretty much all I've got. But back to the story. From Lehi to Rawlins is approximately five hours. It took us almost eight. Let me emphasize that again, IT TOOK US ALMOST EIGHT. From a fussy baby, to an unsympathetic police man (who knew you could get $100 ticket in Wyoming for not getting in the left lane when passing a cop who has already pulled someone else over? And how did he catch up to us that fast? Oh yeah, we were pulling a trailer up a hill at about 30 miles per hour. Way to target the weakling, Officer...), to running out of gas four miles short of our destination, it was basically a whirlwind of hell. Sorry for the language, Mom, but it's true. I don't even think she reads my blog anyway, so what am I worried about. I may as well just let it all hang out. It wasn't all negative, though. The trailer never actually blew over, which was surprising. The kids had a great time. Dallin and Luke went out with Jason for a few hours each day and loved it. Abby and I got a lot of reading done. We all watched movies at night, and ate a lot of greasy truck-stop food. On Monday, we discovered how to hook up the Internet, so things were much better after that. I know I need to have a better attitude, but sometimes it is just more fun to be right... One cool thing though, was that we saw wild horses. This is only the second time in my life that I have seen wild horses. We were out driving around as a family, looking for antelope, and we saw a whole herd running across the desert. They ran until they were on the skyline, which was really cool to see.