Abby had her surgery yesterday on her 8 month birthday and everything went great. I am so relieved to have it over with! She is doing really well. The doctor said it will be several weeks before we know how "fixed" her eyes really are, but there should be a big improvement. I'm so grateful that she made it through the surgery and everything was okay. It was so scary to hand her over and walk away! I was feeling really good about everything, but it was still hard to wait. She went in for the surgery at about 9:15 and it was almost 11 when the doctor came back to say everything had gone well. I think the hardest part was when I first went in to see her and her face was so swollen and she didn't even look like my little girl. Her little body just felt so limp and there was blood around her eyes. I don't know why I wasn't prepared to see blood, but it was quite a shock! I try so hard to be tough, but the sight of blood, especially on one of my children, just about knocks me over. I got to hold her for a while and she was pretty groggy, but her vital signs were really good, and she had a good appetite. She was so sweet! She would start to get upset and I would whisper to her and she calmed right down every time. We took her home a little after noon. She had to have one muscle in her right eye, and two muscles in her left eye worked on. She has 4 stitches in the right eye and 8 in the left. They were also going to unplug the tear duct in her left eye, but it has cleared up on its own in the last few weeks so they didn't have to. I am so grateful, because her poor left eye is still so swollen and she can barely open it. I'm so glad she didn't have to have more trauma to it! She wasn't very happy for most of the afternoon yesterday, but by evening she was starting to get back to her happy little self and laughing at her brothers. She settled down and went to sleep at 8:00 and slept all night! What a blessing. Thank you so much to everyone for all of your prayers and support. I know her surgery really isn't a big deal compared to a lot of things, but she is my little baby and I appreciate your kindness so much! Thank you!!!
Oohh Annmarie yuck! You are one strong women! I am the weakest mommy ever when it comes to pain, blood, casts, or stitches with my kids. Thank goodness I have a husband or my kids would never be immunized or even see the inside of an E.R. I hope your little Abbie has a very speedy recover, I have always heard "kids bounce fast" and they "are very resiliant" I am hoping this is the case for you. Have a good week. -Sarah
I'm so glad it went so well yesterday. I bet you are so relieved to have it over now. You've been waiting for it to be over for a long time!
I hope Abby continues to recover quickly.
Of course it's a big deal!! I thought of you guys all day....and I was dying to hear from you. I think I told you, but Bo was praying for Abby, by himself, yesterday morning....and it really touched me. It was so cute. He was saying, "please bless little baby Abby"....over and over again. :o) I think it's the hardest thing when your kids are in the hospital for ANYTHING. I'm so glad everything went well. What a tough little cookie she is. I hope her recovery is a smooth one....and I hope you are doing OK. We'll keep you in our prayers...and please know we're here if you need anything. We love you guys !!
I hope this doesn't show up twice. I swear I just left a comment, but now it is gone.
Anyway, to sum up what I said...if you need anything..I'm only 20 minutes away and I can totally help. I don't do anything worthwhile so you can call on me at any time.
I'm so glad her little eyes are getting better. She is such a sweetie. It is kind of a blessing that she'll probably never know the heartache that you have gone through over her eyes and surgery etc. Keep me posted.
I am glad that everything went well. I hope the she recovers quickly and that it worked really well. It is so hard to go through things like that. I hate hospitals and blood. I am a total wimp. Keep us updated.
I agree... it IS a big deal. But Abby will recover fast. She is so cute. Let me know if you need anything. Love!
I am glad to hear that everything went ok. I totally understand how hard it is to hand your baby over to the nurse and watch them walk away with her, it is sooo heartbreaking. I hope Abby has a fast recovery and can be done with surgeries - yuck -.
My mom reminded me yesterday that Abby's surgery was either yesterday or today... she wasn't quite sure at the moment she told me. I am glad to hear everything went well. What a sweetie!
I am so glad its over too! That would be so hard to hand over your little one...Its amazing how deeply we can be scared and worried for our kids. They are in the Lords hands though, sounds like she did great. I am glad! Cute little thing...Hope recovery is quick and easy for you both :)
Oh, I am so glad everything went so well. Thanks for keeping us updated, she is such a sweetheart. Give her kisses for me.
I am glad to hear that the surgery went well!!
I am so glad to hear that she is doing good. You are in our prayers. Please let me know if I can do anything for you guys. As soon as everything settles down, you, Liz, and I will definatly have to go to lunch.
Give little Abby hugs from me. She is such a cutie. Let me know if you need anything. You can send your boys over anytime if you need too.
I just wanted you to know that I am thinking you & praying for your cute little Abby. what a brave little girl & what a brave mom. I hope that her recovery will be quick.
I am so glad that everything went well. When it is your child EVERYTHING is a big deal...I am a basket case when it comes to stuff like that so I am happy everything is looking good. :)
That is a big deal AnnMarie! I cant even imagin what you guys were going through! I am so relieved everything went well-poor little girl, I feel so bad for her. I definitely would have went into shock seeing blood on my baby, you are so brave and such a great mom. I am sure she was so happy to see you! Thank you for letting us know the update!
I am glad to hear everything went well. It always a relief to have them back in your arms after a surgery.
I'm so glad to hear that all went well. Its so hard as a mom to watch your kids go through things, what a strong little girl. she's so precious, give her a squeeze for me..teresa
I'm so glad to hear that everything went well with the surgery. I hope she's better quickly and that everything is fixed. And I'm sure it was much more traumatic for you than it was for her.
Whew! What a relief, right?! We'll be praying for little Abby to have a speedy recovery. Until then, call me if you need *anything* (I am your visiting teacher, ya know!)
That is so good it went well on Wednesday. Even in the happiest place on earth in Disney Land I knew that it was sometime around wednesday and I thought about all of you and I hoped that it went well, and so I am very relieved that it did. We also have been fasting and praying for abby's surgery and recovery to go well without too much grief or pain along with it. I really hope things go well and I am so sad I won't see you in LP but we will stop on the way to see you!!! Know that we are all thinking of you -Aaron & the Burley Price Fam
It is SO a big deal-whenever you have to deal with anything with your babies it just hurts that mother heart. So I feel so lame-I just sent you an e-mail about this, and if only I had checked my blogs first I would have known....I have not been a great blogger lately. Anyway, I am just SO glad everything is alright. Give that cutie-pie loves for me....
AnneMarie- I'm so glad that Abby's surgery went well. When my son Nathan was about two months old he had to have surgery done on his head. I remember having to hand him over to the surgeon and it was so hard! Going into the recovery room sounded a lot like my experience. Primary Children's is an amazing place isn't it? I hope that she has a speedy recovery. Our prayers are with you all!-Jenny
Abby is the sweetest little thing in the world! I'm happy it turned out ok :)
I have been thinking about you and Abby I am keeping you guys in my prayers!!!
Im glad to hear that everything went well I hope Abby will show improvement soon.
I'm so glad that is over for you. It's never fun to go through those kinds of things with your kids. I'm glad you don't have to dread that anymore.
Okay, I haven't been blogging for a while and just popped in to see how your family was doing. I'm glad that the surgery went well and hopefully she is recovering quickly. That must have been awful for you. Keep us updated. :)
How is Abbie doing? I hope all is well with you guys. We need to do lunch sometime. Let me know when life slows down a bit for you-if it ever does :)
Okay, it's been one whole month since you blogged! Hope you are okay. Update us soon!!! ;)
Just checking on you. I miss your updates, and hope your family is doing well.
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