So last Friday, March 26, was my birthday! It was the best birthday ever. I had my 20 week ultrasound and everything looks great. And.... it's a BOY! A girl would have been great, too, but we like boys a lot around here. One more little hunter for Jason to train. I always love seeing the baby in the ultrasound and realizing that yes, there is a little creature in there, just waiting to make his appearance in the world! It's so hard to imagine what life will be like with one more child, but I couldn't imagine what life would be like with the other three, either, and now I can't imagine life without them.

I had a hard time getting decent pictures this year, as you will notice, but here I am with the three kiddos right before I opened my presents. Abby is blocking the beautiful flowers that my parents sent me. I love them. They are so gorgeous. Thanks, Mom and Dad!

Jason spoiled me this year, like always. I got a new printer, a steam cleaner, some clothes from my favorite store, and a little getaway. I actually wanted all of us to go somewhere and have a fun time, but I didn't feel like going very far, so we went to the lovely Motel 6 in Lehi and spent the night. With the kids. It was so fun. We swam and got Chinese takeout and jumped on the beds... what could be better?

At about 9 pm Jason took the boys to get some treats and they came back with an ice cream cake, candles and a lighter, so we had a little makeshift birthday party for me.

We had a great time and the kids were so excited to be at a motel. Hopefully they will always be this easy to please! We woke up in the morning and went swimming again, and then we went to the movie How to Train Your Dragon in 3D. We all loved the movie (really!). Then it was home for a small nap before heading down to my brother Ryan's house for HIS birthday party, since I was born the day before his first birthday. We are the same age for one day, so here we are, holding our signs like our parents have had us do since we were tiny little chilluns. Now we have a small batch of chilluns of our own! These are a few of them, and one extra. Thank you, Teresa for decorating our signs for us. The 3s are snakes, if you can't tell.

It was such a good birthday, and I appreciated all the calls and messages and treats. I feel so incredibly blessed and overwhelmed with how wonderful my life is. It is not perfect, but it is so good and I have so many great friends and a family that loves and supports me. What more could a girl ask for?
Happy Birthday! It is so funny because I had my ultrasound on the same day as you. When is your due date? We must be due pretty close. We think we are having a girl and are really excited. I miss all those good DR.s in Utah. Down here medical care is really poor! I keep telling Doran that I need to move back to have the baby.
Congrats Anne Marie (and Alish)! 3 boys 1 girl, that's what Heidi & I, and my brother actually, have. Boys are great! BTW, your rolo cookies have been a hit the past few weeks, I've passed on the recipe to a few friends too!
Congradulations a little boy!!! glad your birthday was wonderful.
Congrats! I am so excited for you guys! Happy Birthday! it looks like you had a lot of fun!! I miss seeing you we need to do dinner.
Congrats on the new little man! Boys are fun but I BETTER get a girl on the next go-round! Looks like your b-day was awesome!!! Your mom must have had her hands full with you and your brother being only one year apart! AHHH!
I'm so glad you had so much fun. I agree w/Steph....Boys are great. I have the same combo (3 and 1) and I'm telling you....Bella loves being the only princess in the house. :o) I still need to make it over your way and bring you your gift. I was out the door early Saturday, but I knew you guys weren't back...and then we weren't home again until late. I hope Jason is feeling OK after the fall. BTW, there is a mountain lion in the kids' library at school...and Jaxon said it was "just like Anne Marie's". I thought you'd be so proud. ha ha
Like I told you I forgot to bring over something for you and I'm sorry! Happy birthday! It looked so fun I'm glad you got so spoiled. And that is so fun being the same age as your brother
Congratulations again! Glad you had a great BD :))
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