Dallin's birthday is always an emotional day for me. I think because he is my oldest and firstborn in the wilderness, it is kind of like my birthday, too. It is the birth of my becoming a mother. I celebrated by buying some purple jeggings for myself at
Our Little Store. It made me feel a little better about my baby turning nine! You can't feel depressed in purple jeggings. The day Dallin was born was truly the most significant day of my life. Not that my other kids' births haven't been significant, but when your first child is born, your life changes forever. Suddenly, it's focused on someone else, and will be forever. Now there are several someone elses, and each one has brought change to our family, but the first one paved the way, nine wonderful Groundhog Days ago.
Dallin's birthday this year was so fun. He had three parties. Lucky little sucker.
Dallin is obsessed with football this year, so I made him a football cake for his family party with my in-laws. It is one of the few successful cakes I have ever made. It actually looked like a football! Not that difficult, I realize, but I have issues with making cakes. |
Party #1. Opening presents with the Yates cousins. |
Blowing out the candles!! If you have more than one birthday cake, do you get more than one wish? This is bothering me. And don't mind the lion behind me. He is actually quite tame. |
Dallin requested pancakes for his birthday breakfast. I'm a bad mom and usually just give them cereal before school, so this was a special occasion. I can't believe I have four kids that sit up to the bar! I feel like an official mother now. |
Dallin's class singing Happy Birthday to him. Abby, Jake and I brought little ice creams in to Dallin's class for his birthday treat. |
The football party! The kids look wild, but they were actually really well-behaved. I was very relieved because Jason was supposed to do the party but ended up having to work. He organized everything, though, and came up with some great games that the kids loved. |
The first was kicking practice. Jason built a goal post out of PVC pipe and the kids took turns kicking field goals. |
Next was tackling practice. Jason rigged up a football dummy that the kids got to tackle and land on a mattress. They thought that was the greatest thing ever invented. I was just glad that Jason stuffed the bag with his pile of dirty hunting clothes so I don't have to move them every time I vacuum. Dirty hunting clothes and I do not get along. |
This game was a huge hit once I figured out how to attach the velcro so the dummy would come loose when they jumped on it. Where does Jason come up with these things? |
The next game was throwing practice. Jason drew a football player on a box and cut out a hole for the kids to throw the ball in. In addition to being an expert party-planner, Jason is also an artist. |
Abby wanted to get in on the action and have black under her eyes, too. |
I was still recovering from making the football cake, so I was very grateful to Costco for making a Super Bowl cake that said Happy Birthday on it. It was eerie. I didn't even have to ask! I hope there is Costco in heaven. I'm pretty sure there is. |
After all the friends went home, the Price cousins came over! Dallin opened his presents and was thrilled with everything. He's getting so old! He wanted money this year so he can buy some things he's been saving up for. |
Dallin's main present! He LOVES country music and went to the Brad Paisley concert with Jason last week (hey, wait a minute, that was supposed to be his main present!). He has been begging for a guitar for a while, so I finally broke down and got him one. Now I just have to teach him how to play it! |
Our traditional family birthday picture. Each birthday brings a few more changes. The kids are a little bit different, we are all a little bit older, and hopefully a little bit wiser, too. I love watching my family grow and change. I used to dread having my kids grow up, but in a lot of ways I feel like we are just getting to the fun part. I love seeing the people these kids are turning into, one birthday at a time! |
I can't believe he is 9... He is so big. I love your blog and think you are so great. You are so pretty and such a great mom. I loved his football cake... You made me proud:}!
Dallin is so grown up. I loved all the party ideas. Jason is amazing....Is he willing to be hired out as a party planner? : ) I made a football cake for Matthew once and it stressed me out so much. ha ha It took so much time and I actually felt sad when people ate it...and all my hard work was just GONE. ha ha I was much too attached to it. You're such a good mom and always doing such fun things. The family picture was beautiful, as always, too. xoxo
This post made me so happy!! Dallin is the cutest and I've always felt a special connection to him. I wish we could have been at his birthday party(ies) to see him so happy on his birthday. I am so excited about the guitar!! That will be fun teaching him how to play. He is such a good kid and you and jason are awesome parents. Your family is so cute and you all look so happy. Love you!
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