Monday, May 21, 2007

Hot Minivan Mama

Well, actually I know for a fact that it is impossible to be a hot minivan mama, but let's pretend for a moment, shall we? It will make me feel a little bit better about turning 30 and getting a van in the same year. With child #3 on the way, we decided it was time to "upgrade" our vehicle in terms of size. What actually happened was a downgrade in coolness. But that's okay. We were never that cool anyway. "At least it's paid for!" we yell out the window to neighbors who give us looks of horror as we peel out of our driveway and fly around the corner like a silver bullet. And truly, Jason is in his glory as we burn the streets of Lehi. To quote him: "I have never looked at a minivan and thought, 'Wow, that's an awesome minivan.' It doesn't matter if it cost $3,000 or $30,000. It's still a minivan." So, we opted for one that was a lot closer to the first figure and joined the leagues of minivaners.... And it isn't that uncommon. It's actually quite popular among the sensible, confident and/or clueless members of society around here (we just never really thought we would join them - it's kind of like joining the band your senior year after making fun of them your entire life). We have an identical twin in the neighborhood, and the first time we drove it in public we realized that we were the third in a caravan of silver Dodge Grand Caravan Sports driving down Main Street (so we turned). I'm getting a lot more used to it now and I do like the space and being able to put my kids in different rows and all that fun stuff that comes with a van. ("Van." The word is still a little odd on my tongue. Kind of like the word "maturation." I don't know if you ever get used to it, even if you are teaching the class.) And when Dad brought the little beauty down, he told me, "It's a Grand Caravan Sport, but I don't really see what's so sporty about it." Well, I do. It's real, it's silver, and it's spectacular.


Steve said...

It looks like it goes real fast.

Anonymous said...

What a great minivan. I'm so proud of you and Jason. I'm sure you'll have plenty in the Price Fam to follow you. Ha ha...your blog makes me laugh every time!

Oceanchild said...

Wow. I figured you'd be a suburban mommy, but I like it. You'll have to take me for a spin!

Aaron said...

love the van. Hot Minivan Mama. haha you write the funniest things

Jason said...

Well it doesn't have a rainbow on the side like Dallin recommended (for the past 3 months) but for a mini van it's not to bad. I have to agree it is real and it is spectacular!