Well, my little baby Dallin is 5 years old! I can't believe it was five years ago that I brought that little boy home from the hospital on a snowy February day. But at the same time, I can't really remember what life was like before I had kids... what did I do all day? But I have to say that my life changed for the better at 2:59 am on February 2, 2003. I'll never forget the feeling of holding my precious little baby for the first time and realizing that this was the same little critter that had been swimming around in my stomach for 9 months, and that he was mine forever!!! It was such a powerful experience that I was seriously worried that it wouldn't be possible to feel that way ever again and I was worried that it would be different with my other children. But, it was just as amazing with Luke and Abby. Anyway, Dallin had a great birthday on Saturday. He wanted to have a "Fish Birthday" so we went to the aquarium in Salt Lake and had a fun time with his cousins and aunts and uncles and grandparents in the afternoon. Then we had a little get-together with cake and ice cream in the evening. The cake was really the main event. My friend Lessley made one of her famous birthday cakes for him, complete with a coral reef and Nemo coming out of an anemone and it was awesome! He was so excited about it. Look at all the details!!! Thank you, Lessley! And Happy Birthday, my little Dallin!
That cake is phenomenal! I am way impressed. I can't believe he is 5 either. It seems like only yesterday that you were pregnant with him. Its weird to think about back then - what DID we do without our kids? Besides sleep, clean the house, go out whenever we wanted . . . of coruse I'm just kidding. Life is way better being a mommy. Glad he had a great birthday!
Happy Birthday Dallin!!!! I am so sorry that we were not able to attend your birthday party. The roads were too bad to try to come. And Anne Marie, sorry if dallin asks you if he is a groundhog. I was joking with him about how he was born on groundhog day. I told him to make sure that he didnt turn into a groundhog!!! Then he would have to sleep all year, and come out once a year on his birthday and see if he saw his shadow and go back to bed. haha he liked the idea. Thanks for trying on my blog.
I love that cake. That takes some serious talent.
I'm sorry we didn't make it to the aquarium...we were picking up our new little man.
I remember when you told me that you were pregnant with Dallin. We were eating at that Chili's by the E Center right? Somewhere over there. I just couldn't believe you were going to be a mom. It seemed so far away and impossible.
Happy Birthday Dallin!
Wow! Cute cake! Lessley is so modest in her cake making prowess! 5 years goes by in the blink of an eye, doesn't it? Happy Birthday, Dallin!
Amazing cake! It's funny how you worry about feeling the same about other children. When I was pregnant with my second child, one of Tom's aunt's told me that when you have other children your love multiplies, it doesn't divide. I thought that was beautiful and so true. You love them each so much, you just can't imagine loving another. But they they come...and you do!
Happy Birthday, Dallin!! I'm so glad he had a fun day. Somehow that doesn't surprise me that he wanted a fish birthday.... :o)
That cake is adorable!! Lessley is just way too talented!! I love how she did so many cute things with it. Soooo cute.
I loved what Janae wrote about your love multiplying when you have kids...not dividing. That is so true. I felt the same way you did.... I can still remember being so nervous that I wouldn't feel the same way about my kids as I did Matthew. It's such a special experience with your first child...that you can't imagine feeling that way again. But you do, huh?? It's so amazing. As hard as it is somedays, I just love being a Mom. It's the greatest thing I've ever done. I don't feel very good at it most days, but I do love it. Thanks for a great post. I can't sleep tonight....and so I've been up reading blogs. :o)
I love the cake that is awesome!! Happy Birthday Dallin! Was his birthday only Feb 4th? That's Joey's B-day too! Glad he had a great day!
Anne Marie, You are more than welcome to put a link to my blog. I have yours on my google reader feeds so I see when you update yours. I would have come to your food party but I had a church meeting to go to. I have a couple recipes printed though from that website and hope to try them soon.
The cake is amazing. I wish we would still be here for Lexi's birthday. I want a Lessley cake. Happy Birthday Dallin. Time sure does go by fast. My little one will be 5 this year too.
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