(I love this picture of President Hinckley. Click on it to read a news story about it.) I got an email today from a friend telling me about a way to honor President Hinckley by reading the Book of Mormon in 97 days (1 day for each year of his life), starting today and ending May 11. There is a web site set up for it at
http://www.hinckleychallenge.com/ where you can track your progress, and even post a little graph on your blog. I decided to take the challenge! It may be a little more time consuming than my regular scripture study, but heck, I need the blessings. It's funny because I try to read a little from the Book of Mormom every night, and just a few nights ago I finished it again and was trying to decide if I wanted to start from the beginning, or study different topics, or what... I read the
last chapter in Moroni again last night for the third night in a row because #1 - I love that chapter, and #2 - I just couldn't decide what to do! So this makes it easy for me. Plus, I always work better with a system and a goal in mind. I encourage you to take the challenge! I know you will be blessed!
Thanks for posting this. I always seem to do better when its a challenge! Oh - and I made Marlboro Man's Favorite Sandwich for the Superbowl Party. Only I added mushrooms and swiss cheese - and a lot more tobasco than her recipe called for. They were so yummy!
Thanks for telling me about this. What a great way to honor Pres. Hinckley! I've signed up. Now I just have to figure out how to put the chart on my blog...
You are such a good example. I would love to do this, but I'm a little too overwhelmed right now. My plates full and I can't find my fork!
I was going to put this on my blog today!! Jon sent it to Jason, and Jason said to put it on my blog. I thought it was awesome. I think it's an awesome challenge.... I need to figure out how to put the chart on my blog, too. I'm not as computer saavy as you are!! :o)
Hahaha, I have been guilty of blog stalking you as well thru Christie's blog...thanks for your comments. I enjoy reading your thoughts as well...and I am going to the store this morning and going to try the 409 stuff. Thanks so much!
Oh, AND I am going to take on this challange! Thanks for posting it. Its a great idea...
I totally need to do this. I'm such a lazy slack about anything church. So I'll start today. If anything I should just listen online while I"m at work. That counts right? :)
Daren and I signed up for this yesterday, it is a great way to get people reading the BOM!
So I gotta tell you that I just read through your entire blog (I am procrastinating several things at the moment) and you are HI-LARIOUS. I especially LOVE the mini-van story and your humorous spin on everything. I also really enjoy that you are so REAL-it's great!
Anne Marie...You are just so awesome and this post as made me re-evaluate my priorities. I know it's what I need to do so thank you for the awesome example!!
For sure add me, I am going to add you too :) And I think it's a great idea to write letters to your kids. I have birthday cards from my mom and dad for each year of my life and then my mom was so good about writing little notes all the time to each of us to tell us how much she loved us. It's a great idea and something they will always treasure!
That is a good Idea!!!
Anne Marie - Can you email me your address? I just wanted to get something in the mail to you. Thanks for coming last night. It was fun seeing you.
My mom just told me about the challenge. I wanted to do it, but with everything going on in my life right now, I think I am going to have to put it off for a few weeks and start a bit later. You are so amazing and inspire me and others to be better.
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