Thursday, January 29, 2009

What is UP with the cost of energy these days?

Don't get me wrong, I am so grateful that the price of gasoline is down. It now only costs about $20 to fill my tank, and it is great. BUT, I feel like I am paying more than enough in other energy sources to make up for it. I opened my Questar Gas bill yesterday and I swear my heart stopped beating for at least 15 seconds. $277 to heat my house from Dec 17 - Jan 18!!!! Are you kidding me? That is up over $130 from the month before. Plus, we were gone for almost a whole week during that time and the heat was turned down to 50 degrees. And it still cost that much? Plus, the Lehi City bill is back up! It should be going way down right now, but nope, it was pushing $200 for stupid electricity this month. I could be driving a hot car and living it up, but instead I'm paying it all to heat my gay house. After I opened the bill and hyperventilated for a few minutes, I went straight to the thermostat and turned it down. Yes, I admit, it's usually set to 72 degrees. I always consider turning it down for a portion of the day, but then I think, well, I don't want to be cold in the morning. And I don't want to be cold during the day, or in the evening, and especially not at night, so that doesn't really leave a lot of options. So it stays at 72, and I still don't feel warm! I prefer to bask at about 77, but I try to be frugal. But anyway, all that went out the window and I set all 4 cycles to 69 degrees and told myself that we can all wear sweaters and coats if we need to, but we are not paying $277 again! Then last night I got home from Young Women's and found my big tough husband curled up in a blanket on the couch. "Why in the world is it so cold in here?!!!" ("It's frickin freezing in here, Mr. Bigglesworth!") I tried to explain it and he told me that I was being ridiculous and we couldn't live like this. I thought about telling him how I had just finished reading Little House on the Prairie with Dallin and how Ma and Pa would totally have just endured this and said "All's well that ends well" (whatever that means), and that they actually went through a lot worse and survived, but then I thought better of it. It's always better to have harmony in your marriage, and besides, I was starting to get a little chilly myself. So, it's back up to 72. (Alish, I'm considering moving to Tucson. Any good houses for sale down by you?)


The Spradlin Family said...

I LOVE how you quoted Austin Powers. I though I was the only one that watched those movies (I think they are hilarious!). Your posts are always so funny. I dread paying my electric bill now too. It's just as bad in the winter now as it is in the summer. I hope all is well with you guys.

Oceanchild said...

I've actually been surprised that our questar has been in the 200s this year. Last year at this time...450 and I'm not even joking. I try to keep things energy efficient by closing all the blinds etc, but we just have too many windows and the poor furnaces can't keep up.

P.S. your house is not gay!

Teresa said...

Mr. Bigglesworth, haha. 72 degrees is the perfect temperature.

Annie said...

I am so glad to know I'm not the only one! I was really starting to think our stupid contractor forgot to insulate our house--we were pushing 270 this month as well and I about had a heart attack. We have our house at a brisk 69 degrees and Hank and Randy keep telling me they are cold--hey it's either be cold or no birthday party Hank!!

a-anderson said...

Move Down!!!!:) We could always use more friends town here. That bill is a ton, but ours have been high too. The first month we lived here I had to call the electric company to be sure they had not made a mistake on our bill because it seemed so high. I just hate paying for gas, electric, mortgage, utilities, insurance, doctors, etc. I just want to spend my money on eating out, vacations, clothes decorations and all the fun stuff. Oh, life.

Julie W said...

I hear you. I am freezing my ankles out at 69 degrees.

I thought my electric bill was a mix up from summer, what's up with the high prices! Next year no Christmas lights for us, humbug!

Tiffany said...

I choked on my bill too. And my house is set at 71 during the day and 67 at night. It sucks, you get excited about things getting better and then something else goes high.

Sierra said...

I'm embarrased to say that my heat is at 74. and i'm still freezing all the time. I don't like to be cold. Maybe I need to toughen up, though, because I don't like paying so much for gas either.

Hubba's Thoughts said...

Uggh!! I hate paying bills too!! So many other FUN places our $$$ could be gong to. FYI: I know Lehi City bill are a month or so behind.. So "last months" bill might be from Nov. or December.. Maybe Questar does that too. Hopefully your bill will be less next year. I have the equal payment plan with Lehi City and Questar and I love it!! It's ALWAYS the same amount.. You should look into it. Well, have a great day and I'll talk to you later.

Shelly said...

I thought my bill was horrible but then again my lovely husband puts up way too many Christmas lights. I love your humor. You make me laugh.

Christie said...

I always use that Austin Powers quote. LOL My Questar bill was $160, up from $80 last month and I thought that was bad. Of course, I usually keep my house at about 68. I'm too cheap to pay for heat - my family can wear an extra layer and be just fine.